Tuesday, October 18, 2011

'The Other side of the truth' by smilesandlaffs

No one is a saint and no one is a complete sinner. They are all grey areas. When we step outside, we face hostility and competition. It begins at KG stage itself. Our parents pour into our ears to come first, come what may. The coaching classes syndrome starts in some cases, at the nursery level itself. Because it is a competitive world. Dog eat dog world. Next entrance tests, CAT,JEE, GRE. Get into some prestigious professional college or Ivy League, Or those Oxford Cambridge if we fail India test. It is easier to get admission out there than at home because of various quotas, stiffest merit based selection and discrimination. And then job hopping and working under Hitler type bosses or inefficient ones.
If our common life has so much competition and acrimony, why cant we accept that Bollywood heroes and heroines thrive on planning, intrigue everything to get oneupmanship? Afterall the stakes are so high.  Every one of them is highly competitive and whatever they may say publicly, they are critical of their rival’s achievement.
Aamir Khan strives to achieve that coveted position by sheer hardwork, call it labour and the results are showing. We are getting reasonably good movies which are entertaining as well. One can understand his rivalry with SRK and this rivalry is not harming anyone except his rivals who are threatened. So what is the big deal if he is openly critical of SRK’s films or acting? Atleast he is not hypocritical or wearing a mask. SRK is his competitor and Aamir acknowledges this fact by his deeds.  No one is doing any charity here.
As for SRK, he is no dhoodh ka dhula hua bachcha. Everyone knows how he got those awards and how the media houses played one against the other. Once he knew the weakness of the media, he started cultivating them, giving interview after interview with quotable quotes and made friends with many critics just like a businessman does. Get a good PR man and you will be all over the world. To his credit, he has charisma and sometimes acts well. He has to face competition and hostility just like others. He cannot escape that just because he lost his parents early and he loves his family. No need to shed tears.

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